We created this campaign to counteract the effects of the efforts of the dairy industry and to show the cruelty that cows and their babies suffer.
Mexico is the 9th largest dairy producer. The dairy industry is one of the largest industries in our country and the one industry that people believe there is no harm to animals because “no one kills the cow for milk”, but we show it is not only one of the cruelest with the animals but also with our planet and our health.
We seek to give the consumer the power to ditch dairy with solid and true information about what a glass of cow’s milk means both for the animals and their health and for everything around us, giving a clear and direct message.
This campaign will give voice to the truth that the dairy industry intends to hide.
Awareness of consumption is waking up in our country. Vegan milks have gained ground and our ant-idairy cows help us open up the conversations with people in the streets to dismantle the dairy industry.
We have grown bombarded with publicity that makes us believe that a glass of milk is basically health in a liquid form, which will strengthen our bones, help in our mental and emotional development, prevent us from illnesses, in short that drinking milk is necessary for humans, however Studies that have been generated in recent years make it clear that beyond helping us, our health decreases over time.
Not only do they learn about what happens to cows and their babies but they also love to take photos with them and share the message.